Thursday, February 2, 2012


A second look at Christopher Hitchens.

Another crony capitalist in the news.

Democrat hypocrisy on taxes.

Separated at birth?

Janet Napolitano is slow to grasp the obvious.

The gospel according to St. Barry.

Eric Holder is guilty of many things, including insulting our intelligence. The mother of slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry has the last, heart-felt, truth-right-between-the-eyes word on Holder.

Say, maybe man is responsible for disappearing glaciers (this man certainly seems to be; H/T to Captain Heinrichs).

What? That stupid groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, predicted six more weeks of winter!

"Here, boy!"


  1. This is the best send-up of Hitchens I've seen. Sort of a pre-hit obit.,165/

  2. If the next six weeks of winter are anything like the last six weeks have been, I can live with it. It was 62 F here on Tuesday.

  3. Boy, am I getting tired of the MSM's non-stop coverage of the Fast & Furious scandal. They're like a pitbull that won't let go.

    Or maybe a toothless mutt that sh!ts on the carpet.

  4. Eric "Abe Freakin' Lincoln" Holder is one of those folks who don't quit when their dastardly deeds are uncovered. They need to be ejected.

    So get to it.

    PS: So why would anybody appoint a toad like "Mr. Honesty" as the top law enforcement officer in the US?

    Maybe because they don't want certain laws enforced?

  5. If you're gonna go to an overgrown rat for prognostication, you get what you deserve.

  6. Deborah Leigh said... Paco, so let me get this straight. No or little snow, haven't had to chip ice off the walks, warmer weather...and you're complaining? And you're upset with Phil...a groundhog? Be careful or God may decide to change the temperature setting.And are upset with a Phil?Well, there may be good news for you, the groundhog in New York predicted the opposite.

  7. Deb: I don't know that the prediction implies six more weeks of the kind of winter we've been having.

  8. Your Assortments are as good as those in the best candy shops.

    Thanks for the linkage.

  9. The problem is that no member of Congress has asked the AG a question and, after his response, stated "Mr Holder, I do not believe you; thank you".


  10. The problem is that Holder hasn't been impeached.
