Friday, February 3, 2012

What would Obama/Holder style gun-control look like in the U.S.?

Probably a lot like this.
Just when was Ian Thomson guilty of unsafe storage of a firearm? Mr. Thomson is the Port Colborne, Ont., man currently standing trial in a Welland, Ont. courtroom after he and his home were attacked by firebombers in August, 2010. (That's correct, in the topsy-turvy world of Canadian criminal justice, Mr. Thomson and his home were the ones attacked and yet he is the one on trial.)
Truth to tell, in places like Chicago and D.C., that’s probably what gun control does look like.

H/T: Small Dead Animals


  1. Criminalisation of victims automatically adds 50% to their performance stats!

  2. Dude, I love it when you do the math!

  3. Another reason I like Newt.

    He understands the importance of the 2nd Amendment. Romney, not so much.

  4. So, next time maybe he'll just shoot the attackers dead, put his fires out, and then bury their bodies in the woods and tell everybody they just ran away. No mess, no fuss, no bother from statist nannies.

  5. "Stupidity is the only universal capital crime."
    -- RAH
