Monday, February 6, 2012

“Federal parliament resumes tomorrow. Nobody knows why.”

And with that witty opening, Tim Blair is off to a great start in handicapping Australia’s current political lineup.

I confess that I didn’t know who many (indeed, most) of these people were before reading the article, but now that Tim has made the introductions, I shall follow their future careers with considerable interest.

And elsewhere down under…

As always, Boy on a Bike beguiles us with his photos, and educates us on bicycle culture (for example, the embarrassment of “lack of mud flap bum”).

Bingbing ponders the Cli-Fi scientists’ very unscientific tendency to argue from authority, as opposed to arguing from the facts.

At Tizona, Frollicking Mole evaluates a typically Gillardian dilemma.

That wild man of the web, Tim T, delves into the typology of “fetch”.

I am absolutely mortified that I somehow contrived to miss Australia Day. Kae has a nice video celebration of every red-blooded American’s “second home”.

1 comment:

  1. Our national anthem:
    'Australians all let us rejoice...', rendered by some school kids 'Australians all eat ostriches, for we are young and free!' Sounds the same in our 'lingo'.

    The land of Oz.

    V/W: folyz: follies.
