Monday, February 6, 2012

Is there no end to the sordidness of the Kennedys?

Now we learn of JFK's affair with a 19-year-old intern (H/T: Smitty).


  1. It kind of proves the point, doesn't it, that the media isn't just in the tank for Obama. They've been in the tank for the Democrats for decades.

  2. This makes me wonder just what the home life of the Kennedy brothers was like as they grew up. Joseph Kennedy must have been genuinely creepy.

  3. unciaAnd yet Gingrich is and will continue to be pilloried for his past AND OMG making money, that dirty rotten scoundrel. (or is that Mitty?)

    BUT, we still have John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame..



    Yes, they do work together.

  4. Oforchristsakes, (the uncia at the first)

    But now you know why I chose that for my humble little blog.

  5. This isn't really news; I know about it before the 2004 election so it couldn't be that much of a secret.

    The poor girl used to have to ride on the floor of the Kennedy limo so no one would see her in the car.

    When Kennedy didn't need her she was stashed in the typing pool with absolutely nothing to do. The other stenos felt sorry for her.

  6. Jack Kennedy: "I'm not done with a woman until I've f***ed her three ways."

    Classy guy, huh?

  7. I've been shocked reading descriptions of Bill Clinton's White House behaviour, but now I see where he got it.

  8. Deborah Leigh said... There are many stories about JFK's infidelity, so this isn't news. I'll bet that Jackie, like Hillary, knew all along. One especially disgusting tidbit was that the first place he "took" her was Jackie's bed.

    The question is, why would this be released now? Money is the easy answer. But why not earlier? And why post alot of the story on the internet, when it would best be saved for a book?
