We cannot - we will not - comply with this unjust law. People of faith cannot be made second class citizens. We are already joined by our brothers and sisters of all faiths and many others of good will in this important effort to regain our religious freedom...Standing together, we must defend our right to practice what we profess...Our right to practice what we profess. Exactly so. If we cannot practice what we profess, then our faith is nothing but empty words.
Of course, the Pope has an easy solution to hand. He has but to revive the Order of the Templars, put me in charge, and let me handle negotiations with the administration in my own way.
Brother Paco goes to Washington, secures rescission of health care edict
People of faith cannot be made second class citizens.
ReplyDeleteApplause. I've come to realize that this is exactly Obama's intention, although it's better to say "Destroy middle class America". Saul Alinsky would be proud. Stalin must be smiling in his tomb.
Paco, would you accept volunteers who are not of the Catholic faith? I'm well above the official age bracket for unorganized militia, but I would be glad to join the ranks of the Templars.
Welcome aboard!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a Catholic either, but my daughter is expecting their fourth child. I think that should be good enough to allow me to become an honorary Catholic in order enter the fray to smite the wicked with my badass marble pastry rolling pin. *sigh* I don't need it (the rolling pin) anymore on account of developing an intolerance to gluten. I can still use it to exorcise those interfering busybody dipshits.
ReplyDeleteAnd boy howdy, do I need the exorcise!
Buy. More. Ammo.
ReplyDeleteI'll take the Bishops seriously when they start denying Communion to politicians who insist on betraying the Church.
Captain: Pelosi would serve as a good object lesson.
ReplyDeleteOr Kerry or a member of the Kennedy clan. But forget Catholics for the moment, many, many mainstream Protestant ministries look the other way and will not engage pro choice issues.
ReplyDeleteSo, what about the Religion of Peace? Will these same rules apply to Islam?
ReplyDeleteOr, will they get an exception because, you know, they're the religion that tends to blow things up, if you piss'em off.
Ex-communication won't work with Pelosi. It'll take an exorcism. At that, she'll only move to Hawaii.
ReplyDeleteOf course, the easiest solution is to sweep Congress and the Presidency clean, starting in November. Obama's just mouthing words to satisfy his nutbag base, anyway. He doesn't believe anything he says.
ReplyDeleteDeborah Leigh said... Would your new Order of the Templars have need of one more non-Catholic? I would gladly take the Pledge to stand against such grievous assault on freedom of religion. Once more unto the breach, Brother Captain Paco!