Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Contrary to the tenets of liberalism, not every change is irreversible

Ed Driscoll has written a wonderful short essay on the liberal lie that not being able to go back means you can’t go forward differently, either.
No wonder the MSM and the left (but I repeat myself) wadded their panties into such a tight bunch when the Tea Party emerged — they know better than anyone that while it’s not easy, how entirely possible it is to reshape society and how fragile their own hold on power could ultimately be.


  1. one of the cons he notes is the left’s selective utterance of the phrase, “You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.”

    I have never heard that phrase before, ever. Must be an American thing. :)

    That style of argument in general is a form of Whig History - it's been inherited today by the political left, but all sides of politics tend to use this argument when it suits. Bloody Whigs! Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em...

  2. I believe that expression is, indeed, American.

    And it's true. I spent a fruitless evening testing the hypothesis.

  3. But you know what? Somebody put that toothpaste in the tube in the first place.
