Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The “weirdness” of Rick Santorum

Mark Steyn explains Rick.
Let's take it as read that Rick Santorum is weird. After all, he believes in the sanctity of life, the primacy of the family, the traditional socio-religious understanding of a transcendent purpose to human existence. Once upon a time, back in the mists of, ooh, the mid–20th century, all these things were, if not entirely universal, sufficiently mainstream as to be barely worthy of discussion. Now they're not. Isn't the fact that conventional morality is now "weird" itself deeply weird? The instant weirdification of ideas taken for granted for millennia is surely mega-weird — unless you think that our generation is possessed of wisdom unique to human history. In which case, why are we broke?


Anonymous said...

Deborah Leigh said...I wear the badge of mega-weird with pride. Maybe it's time that all good mega-weird people make a stand like the Tea Party.

How did it happen that the world has fallen through the looking glass? Was it the ramblings of tripped out "professors" set to feel good music by tripped out icons with the ambience of black lights, lava lamps, too much patchoulie and jasmine, tie-dye, and rose colored glasses? We should have left the White Rabbit to attend to his own business.

Jonah said...

Bible stuff.

Yojimbo said...

I think the White Rabbit overdosed long ago. He took the "One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small." at the same time-combust!

bruce said...

I'm absolutely with Steyn on this. What the hell has happened to the world?

I was involved in the 60's, hippy stuff, and may I say that back then even the hippies did not talk the crap you hear now, in fact all my hippy associates were right wing and simply against mindless consumerism.

No I don't think you can 'blame the hippies', for what that's worth.

bruce said...

Just one example:
most people don't realise that the 60's hippies became the 'Jesus People' of the 70's,

because they came to underatand that their more serious ideas came from the Bible.

Also, the rise of Disco was the last straw for me! That's when I opted out of society.