Tuesday, April 17, 2012

At least Mitt Romney didn't eat a dog

Jim Treacher derails another Obama meme.

"Vote for Obama? I think not."

Update: We've also heard from President Obama's dog, Bo:

"Oh, everything's fine here, just fine (please, somebody SAVE ME!!!)


  1. I guess you can say the Big O is a dog lover.

  2. Upon learning of the bosses culinary habits ... Bo immediately demanded a transfer to the Secret Service, or the GSA.

    “Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive”

  3. Deborah Leigh said...I've eaten octopus and cutlefish jerky. But a National Geographic specialchanged my mind. Anything that can figure out how to get a crab out of a jar (octopus), or can change colors to communicate (squid) goes off the list. Pets are at the top of that list.

    I have a Progressive friend who is a Al Gore fan jsut to give you an idea. She practices a traditional American Indian religion (plains). She had no problem taking part in a ceremony that included eating part of a puppy. Astonishing. Save the planet, but kill puppies and murder babies. WT....

    Please tell me that isn't Bo brisket in the making. What kind of wine goes with....Wonder if the White House chef has a receipe? If not Bo, will it be Terrier Tartar?

  4. What sort of wine goes with dog? A chien-ti, a cur-vée or a Château Mutt-on Rothschild.

  5. Deadman: My preference is Veuve Clicquot La Great Dane.
