Saturday, May 19, 2012

Little lies, big stink

Roger Simon offers some interesting, and very plausible, speculation on the latest riddle concerning Obama's origins.
My wife Sheryl and I, like Nick and Nora Charles, discussed it over gimlets this evening. We both agreed the mystery lay somewhere in Obama’s college and university years at Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard. We knew, as you do, there must be an explanation for why the court eunuchs of the mainstream media have never bothered even to investigate the scholastic career of the most powerful person in the world.

Because Obama got bad grades? Yawn — so did Bush, Kerry, Biden, Ted Kennedy, and dozens of others who later found themselves making life or death decisions over our lives.

No, it had to be something more significant, more potentially dangerous. What if, we thought, as others have suggested, the reason Obama’s school records have not surfaced is that he enrolled, at one of those institutions at least, as a foreign student — a Kenyan?

But why would he choose to do that? Well, maybe for a grant, a subvention, a scholarship that was available uniquely to students from Africa or similar locales.

Yes, I know that’s not “fair,” in the lexicon of the Lord of Fairness, to have adopted a phony identity and deprived others of an opportunity they may have more richly deserved. But it would certainly fit with Obama’s early need to be recognized as a Kenyan by his agent and, presumably, his publisher. As we all know, it’s not the crime, but the cover-up. (In this case, actually, it’s both.)

As time went on, of course, college drifted away and politics reared its head. The Kenyan identity became less necessary, even a liability, so it was dropped.
So, very much in the same way that Elizabeth Warren borrowed a Cherokee identity to grease the skids of her career, Obama may well have been a pretend-Kenyan for similar reasons.

Oh, and by the way: nice job, legacy media, in vetting this abysmal, dishonest and divisive incompetent back in 2008.


JeffS said...

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has a good summary of how "identity politics" has corrupted people and institutions.

Enough of that. If someone can't succeed without an artificial leveling of the playing field, they need to set their sights lower.

Anonymous said...

I think this sounds like the right sort of explanation, it has been speculated on before briefly. It could also be compounded by a desire to hide Obama's grades because of the "smartest president Eva..." meme that was so prevalent. Lots of people used to tell me about how smart he was, and look, editor of the Harvard Law Review, thus can't be a dummy. All manufactured I suspect; mediocre student given better grades than otherwise as a minority student.

RebeccaH said...

Having worked at a university, I know they typically throw money and assistantships at foreign students, because the Feds give them money for each one they recruit. Plus, many faculty are foreign-born and will only hire graduate assistants from their home countries. It's why I refused ever to contribute to their scholarship campaigns. Not because I disliked the foreign students, but because they got advantages American students often don't get.