Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mr. Bingley abroad

If you haven’t been following Mr. Bingley’s account of his travels in Brazil, go over to Coalition of the Swilling and have a look.

It’s kind of like Conan Doyle’s novel, The Lost World, except, instead of prehistoric beasts, the intrepid Mr. Bingley encounters monstrous fruits and vegetables.


  1. Loved Santos-Dumont airport!

  2. Dearest Paco, you had me quite concerned for a moment when I saw a post titled "Mr. Bingley: A Broad"

    I thought we had reached an understanding on that particular point.

  3. My dear fellow! You are a card.

    I've been enjoying your photo essay immensely, and got quite a kick out of that enormous sandwich. Where does a slip of a young fellow like you put it?

  4. In both hands, my Dear Paco, firmly in both hands.
