Saturday, April 20, 2013

Guilt by false association

James Taranto nails it:
What the hope-they're-white crowd really wishes for is a reason to treat their domestic political adversaries as enemies of the state.


  1. And have no doubt, they'll keep trying. They're nothing, if not persistent.

  2. Just like cockroaches, r-man. Just like cockroaches.

  3. It's okay with me if they regard somebody like me as an enemy. Because that's how I see them.

  4. They're nothing, if not persistent.

    r-man, their prophet, Saul Alinsky, would be proud indeed.

  5. I'm damn sure an enemy of the state.

  6. Thenkyew, thenkyewveddymuch...

    You have no idea how proud I am to be an enemy of the state.

  7. I've met a few of the 'hope-they're-white-crowd' in the overseas backpacker/tourist circuit. What they want more than anything is to blame middle-class Americans for all the world's problems. They start their speil with me and I point out how little they know of the outside world, then they retreat without conceding, no doubt 'realising' that middle-aged Australians are in on their imagined great 'white' conspiracy.

    Global 'enemies' we are, folks.

  8. Global enemies sounds good to me, Bruce!

  9. Best comment so far:

    Frank J. Fleming @IMAO

    David Sirota really shouldn't have used that monkey paw to wish for white terrorists.
    8:16 AM - 19 Apr 2013

  10. Anonymous 1 said:

    bruce: According to those people, America (or persons of pallor)is the cause of everything on the planet either by acts of commission or acts of omission.

    That's a pretty insulting and dismal view of most of the world's peoples and nations.

    Apparently, no one else has a mind, volition or ability to do anything on their own or in their own self interest.

    Simply pathetic.

  11. Hmmmm...

    How old was Chairman Mao when he had his wife executed for her "Gang of 4" criminal career?
