Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Maybe as a booger in George Washington's nose, or a cold sore on Thomas Jefferson's lip

A handful of professors at GWU think Obama's mug ought to grace Mt. Rushmore someday.


rinardman said...

A handful of professors at GWU think Obama's mug ought to disgrace Mt. Rushmore someday.

There. Fixed that for ya, Paco.

rinardman said...

“History undoubtedly will accord President Obama a special place by virtue of being the first African-American President,”

Wait. Isn't his mother a white woman? Wouldn't he actually be the first mixed-race President?

RebeccaH said...

No. No. Hell, no.

mojo said...

Ok, dumb idea.

First: there's literally no one who can do that sort of work anymore. Check out the Crazy Horse carving in South Dakota, or the Southern Pride (or whatever it's called) carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia. Both extremely late and massively over-budget.

Second: there's really no room.

Third: Like I said, dumb idea.