Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Another use for salt

It makes for some interesting art.


  1. Such talent for such a perishable art.

  2. Deborah .... These stunning works share a commonality with those ceated by Buddhist monks and Navajo Hosteens (medicine men). They teach a appreciation for beauty, skill, patience in crafting it, and the finite nature of things as well as life. Of course, there is also the religious purpose by the Hosteens, who would never use salt as a substitute.

    The wonders of the imagination and skill of man. From salt to toothpicks to sugar cubes to....Amazing.


  3. Deborah, I forgot about the Navajos. When I was a kid, we lived for a year in New Mexico just across the river from the Navajo reservation, and we went to the big pow-wow at Gallup, and saw them making sand paintings. Beautiful!

  4. Deborah ....Wow, Rebecca! I'd love to go to that pow wow. I've been to the one in Flagstaff, AZ. II'll bet it was nice. The one to see is Gathering of Nations in Albuquerque. There are dancers and drums from all the US and Canada. Grand entry lasts hours! As for the paintings, then you know that the sand paintings they do for the general public are slightly different than the ones used in ceremony.

    It would be great to see the creation of such art, be it sand, salt, etc. Always fascinating.
