Friday, September 13, 2013

Gross injustice

A singing hot dog vendor for the Detroit Tigers appears to have been fired because he was passionate in expressing the opinion - held by all civilized people - that you don't put ketchup on a hot dog.

I see no way that this miscarriage of justice can be allowed to stand. And here's the legal precedent, philosophical underpinning and cultural imperative, all in one:


  1. The vendor's mistake was in not carrying an S&W in .44 Magnum.

  2. I bet the SF Giants would hire him in a heartbeat.

  3. Heywood Floyd: I'd love a hot dog.
    Walter Curnow: Astrodome. Good hot dogs there.
    Heywood Floyd: Astrodome? You can't grow a good hot dog indoors. Yankee Stadium. September. The hot dogs have been boiling since opening day in April. Now that's a hot dog.
    Walter Curnow: The yellow mustard or the darker kind?
    Heywood Floyd: The darker kind.
    Walter Curnow: Very important.

  4. Ketchup belongs on french fries. Mustard belongs on hot dogs. And hamburgers.
