Friday, November 22, 2013

Why, no, I don't eat cheese

And I'm certainly not going to start now.


  1. Need human BO bacteria for cheese? Go to Europe.

    I'm just sayin'...

  2. As one commenter on that site said, "Just because you can doesn't mean you should."

  3. Is this worse than maggot cheese?

    Or jungle weasel poop coffee?

    Take the most disgusting thing imaginable, jack the price high enough, and yuppies will line up to buy it.

  4. And they wonder where San Francisco sourdough comes from.


  5. So they're claiming toe cheese is new?

    Eh, at least they're not marketing fromunda cheese.

  6. It's up there with the beer-from-moustache-yeast story isn't it.

    I've seen a method for creating cheese culture from the tops of chilli papers, which apparently make comfortable natural homes for lactobacilli: warm milk, chuck in the tops of the capsicums, and leave in a warm spot for a day.

    Who knows where the first cheese cultures came from, but then they may well have come from contact with humans.

  7. Chilli peppers - not chilli papers! Bah!

    On a related note, have you heard of the South American corn beer chicha? It's made by fermenting sugars got from cornmeal, but in order to convert the starch into sugar, you have to make something called 'muko', which you make by.... sticking the cornmeal in your mouth, chewing it and spitting it out. (There's an enzyme in the human mouth that will set the starch to sugar conversion process off).

    "Making muko is best as a family event as it is in Mexico and South America. The family gathers around and shares stories and companionship until it is done - two to three hours". says Stephen Harrod Buhner in his book Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers. So it's fun for the whole family!

  8. Ok...South American corn beer. Off my list.

  9. Deborah .... What wine goes with armpit, toe, or belly button?
