Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday funnies

Personally, I prefer to use a holster.

Here's a tip: slim down before you shuffle off this mortal coil.

Like the Soviets in WWII, Silvio Berlusconi learned the hard way that you don't mess with the Finns.

This looks pretty useful: how to mesmerize emus.

Steve Burri documents the increasing militarization of our local police forces.

All of Hillary's accomplishments as Secretary of State boiled down to one graphic.

That's a moron (H/T: Captain Heinrichs).

Bet you didn't know that wild man Tim T was a paleolinguist.


  1. So, was the guy with the gun in his butt a crack shot?

  2. I guess you could say he was anal retentive.

  3. Well, I know some of the gunmen in the old west used to wear their revolvers with the butt forward.

  4. I must say, reindeer pizza sounds intriguing.

  5. I was mesmerized by the emus being mesmerized. I often wonder (but not too deeply) how stunts like this are figured out to start.

  6. I was mesmerized by the emus being mesmerized. I often wonder (but not too deeply) how stunts like this are figured out to start.

  7. Deborah.... Vigil proved that American's got talent...not the talent we prefer, but (or more appropriately "butt") it's still talent.

    When I was stationed in Germany many years ago, there were seafood pizzas (clams, shrimp, etc). So why not reindeer?

    Paco, there are emu ranchers all across the nation. This might be a opportunity. Think of Problematic Avian Control Operators. They'd be certified, of course. Texas has 13 ranches, but Kansas is emu central with several pages.

    You'd think that the moron population would be on it's way to extinction after seeing that video, but sadly, it must be a dominant gene.

    Love the Hillary graphic.
