Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I'll drink to that!

Times have sure changed since the days when my father, Old Paco, was chasing bootleggers in the mountains of North Carolina: "Special Needs Mom Finds Success as a (Legal!) Moonshiner".


  1. Think of it this way. Old Paco chased moonshiners in the mountains, and from that was born NASCAR! Thanks, Old Paco!

  2. Deborah.... I had a moonshine cherry at a BBQ recently. Well boy howdy! That cherry kicked like an Appalachian mule. Read the product description on the Ole Smokey site. It's a hoot. Especially the suggestions of what to do with the leftover shine.

  3. If government taxes have been paid on it, it isn't moonshine. What's in my house is moonshine.
