Friday, April 21, 2017

If I ever get charged with a crime...

I hope it's something cooler than "unlawful dental acts".
Among the charges, filed Monday, are allegations that in 2016, Lookhart billed nearly $2 million in intravenous sedation without proper justification; that he illegally diverted funds from his employer; and he performed a tooth extraction while standing on a hoverboard, filmed it and texted it to others, while a patient was sedated.
Well, I dunno. That hoverboard thing was kinda cool.


  1. And all that laughing gas.

  2. Since he was filming, we have to assume that at least some of the time he was also naked.

  3. If you are ever arrested for that, and you escape, make sure you let a feller pay you $10 apiece to sing in his can.
    You might become a brain trust.
