Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sunday funnies

As H.L. Mencken said, "no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public". Particularly when it comes to prom suits (H/T: Mrs. Paco). Of course, if you're interested, just visit Shinesty Party Suits.

The latest in chicken coops.

I guess everyone needs a hobby: Someone is shaving other people's cats.

First ever recorded incident of xylophone rage.

Can't...hold on...much longer...Larry...

With this airline, they have to drag you onto the plane...


  1. Prom suits: OMG, the 70s have come back!!

  2. Bright plumage attracts the female, surely.

  3. I've always been a bit of a aviation buff, so the 737 paint job made me curious. Turns out it's owned by a regional carrier in South Africa, called Kulula. What they lack in size, they more than make up for with their sense of humor. (Or would that be 'humour'?)

    Here's a site I found with a sampling of their humor.

    One I liked is this text of a radio ad: Here's the "Kulula census" radio ad- also on the theme of being the "Most South African Airways": "I'm on Kulula flight MN101 from Jozi to Cape Town and we're without a doubt the most South African Airways. I've just counted, on board we've got 189 passengers, 90 who fly for business, 99 for pleasure, 36 are Zulus, 21 are Xhosas, 9 Sothos, 68 whites, 38 of them english, 30 afrikaans, 12 are hipsters, 19 coloureds, 21 Indians, 2 Rastas, 11 Jews all white, 2 goths wearing black, 34 divorcees of mixed races, 9 homosexuals also mixed, 1 transexual black and one man wearing panties and a bra, white, the man not the panties and the bra - those are black."


  4. Xylophone rage incident was committed by "Florida Woman".

  5. Indian humour: If you're walking on a path and you see a snake and a Sindhi approaching, kill the Sindhi first.
