Sunday, May 28, 2017


Global warming may actually be beneficial?
A research team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California-Davis used climate and agricultural computer models to find that global warming may have a generally positive impact on U.S. farming from factors, including fewer frosts, longer growing seasons and an earlier start of field operations.
Al Gore, call your office.


  1. Imagine that. More plant life. More food. Why, we may not even have to kill off half the planet's humans after all.

    1. Well, about that last point....

  2. This pattern is so familiar. A study regarding (fill-in the blank) is published, it leads to hysteria and calls to abolish something and everyone should do their part, then decades later the study's findings are proved to be inaccurate. Think eggs and coffee.

    Anybody remember the CO2 fiasco? Are third welders still planting (as if they ever were) trees as credits?

  3. Just reminds me of the question I've been asking for years.

    Why don't 'the scientists' ever mention any positive effects of AGW, even if the effects are small?

  4. Naah, Ice Ages are cool man! (Sorry, couldn't resist)
