Monday, May 29, 2017

In memoriam

Best wishes for a thoughtful and appreciative Memorial Day - from me and Ronald Reagan.

And, once again, welcone to Rolling Thunder (I'm betting that "I'm With Her" decals will be as rare as sightings of the Tasmanian tiger).


  1. God bless those who died in service and those who died due to service. God bless all who served and, serve.

  2. I've been transcribing the stories of old local veterans, and it's all about 'The Yanks' in the Pacific, for example at Balikpapan. The incredible scale of operations and the great comradeship and professionalism of the US forces come through in these memories.

    I offer my deepest respect for the great sacrifices made by US forces on their memorial day.

  3. We spent our Memorial weekend in Orlando at Universal Studios. Before all you Pacoistas get all hot and bothered, we went there to see our Marine grandson and his two Marine buddies who had earned a military leave and a military package to visit the park for two days. We upgraded their generic tickets to Express Pass so they were able to go to both parks and ride all the rides in the both parks without having to wait hours in line - and since they are new Marines in their teens and twenties, they really are still just big kids, despite having been trained in marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat. Then we took them out to dinner for real food at a nice restaurant (not just burgers and Cokes), and Mr. H insisted that the staff treat them very well because they are Marines. Yes, one was our grandson whom we would have treated anyway, but we included the other two boys as if they were our own. That was our Memorial Day and I don't feel a bit bad ... even though at my age, keeping up with three young combat-ready Marines nearly killed me.

    It's worth it to remember those who gave all for our freedoms, but we must not forget those who are still there, ready to serve.

    1. God bless your grandson and his fellows! Please pass our deepest and sincerest respect to them. And please contact Operation Gratitude about getting packages to them and their entire unit. Again, may God bless!

      Don't feel bad. It would be hard for most people to keep up them. Hope you and Mr. H are recovering well.

  4. I drive up and down Oregon all the time and "I'm with her" stickers
    are a rarity even there.
