Friday, June 29, 2018

Speaking of inflammatory rhetoric...

...Democrat megadonor Tom Steyer sets new standard for Trump derangement syndrome: "Maybe we can have, like, a nuclear war and then we get a real course correction."

Or maybe we can impose confiscatory taxation on left-wing billionaires, how about that, Tom?


RebeccaH said...

The Democratic Party is now the political party rooting for recessions and nuclear war. Good to know come November.

Steve Skubinna said...

Steyer must have had a major brain fart if he thought, even for a second, that an apocalyptic event would usher in a golden age of progressivism. The fall of the Roman Empire was not accompanied by an expansion of free health care and increased minimum wages.

He can try explaining the benefits of socialism to the Lord Humungous if he's that stupid. And he very well may be.

Jonah said...

I guess he Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb.