Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Jennifer Rubin has finally entered the "sticking-straws-in-her-hair" phase of political madness

This strikes me as not only nuts, but obscene:
Just as 9/11/01 galvanized a generation of young people perhaps 9/1/18 (the date of McCain’s funeral) will be the inspiration for another generation of Americans to eschew tribalism and seek common ground in defense of overarching values.

"Good morning, Ms. Rubin! We have a wonderful surprise: your friends from the Weekly Standard block are here to see you!"

Update: And Jonah Goldberg could do with a little introspection before he starts talking to himself on the subway.


bruce said...

All these generations competing to make their mark gets increasingly nutty too. The point people miss about the boomer generation is that it wasn't just abc xyz but a major new start after unprecedented war and depression, it marked a major change, which the abc xyz's do not.

rinardman said...

"Jennifer Rubin has finally entered the "sticking-straws-in-her-hair" phase of political madness"

Not plastic straws, I hope. Someone could go to jail.

Paco said...


JeffS said...

Rubin is past the "sticking-straws-in-her-hair" phase, and well into smearing-feces-on-the-wall phase.

Mike_W said...

Probably at the: hammering a plastic straw up her nose while weaving a dress made entirely of human excrement, phase.
"For the turtles!".