Saturday, March 30, 2019

The last reasonable Democrat?

As a Democrat, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii is bound to be on the wrong side of some key issues (from my perspective); however, her remarks about the Mueller report strike me as diplomatic and constructive:
“[N]ow that Mueller has reported that his investigation revealed no such collusion, we all need to put aside our partisan interests and recognize that finding that the president of the United States did not conspire with Russia to interfere with our elections is a good thing for our country.”


  1. Like the old adage goes, "Sometimes a blind squirrel finds a nut".

  2. Is she the one with the weird culty thing going?

  3. I think the last reasonable Democrat passed away a couple of decades ago. Gabbard is simply the least craziest of the current crop of democrats.

  4. She should have added: "And now let the real investigations into who perpetrated this travesty begin."

  5. Jeff: As I've written before, the last genuinely acceptable Democrat, in my opinion, was Grover Cleveland.
