Monday, May 27, 2019

Nah, I don't think I agree with that

Over at Gateway Pundit, blogger Cristina Lalia says that Hillary looks like "an old grandma in a blue muumuu". In other words...

On her worst day, my old Grandma Ada, a lifelong farm wife, never looked that frumpy. I'd say Hillary looks more like a blue whale with measles.

Update: I want to be fair. Since she was shambling along marching in a Memorial Day parade, perhaps she swaddled herself in the old U.S. Navy Jack to show her patriotism...

Update II

R-man thinks there's something fishy going on:

And Veeshir thinks Bill Clinton may be playing a practical joke:
A blue dress with white spots?
Now why does that seem familiar?
I wonder if Bill gave it to her.


RebeccaH said...

Those things she wears always make her look pregnant to me. Perish the thought.

bruce said...

Clearly no self-discipline. More confirmation that she really is the impulsive rude selfish person described by insiders. Not a typical granny at all.

rinardman said...

I'd say Hillary looks more like a blue whale with measles.

Or, perhaps something a lot smaller, but looks amazingly similar to that picture of Hilliary.

Paco said...

Haw! Good likeness.

Veeshir said...

A blue dress with white spots?
Now why does that seem familiar?
I wonder if Bill gave it to her.

Paco said...

Now, that right there's hilarious. If it ain't so, it ought to be.