Monday, June 24, 2019

More of this, please

Jon Gabriel on the Dept. of Agriculture's decision to move a (relative) handful of their bureaucrats out of D.C.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's amazing how entitled bureaucrats can feel. Some blue ribbon committee recommended to President Trump to divest the Corps of Engineers of many long standing missions that are NOT engineering related (like the extensive park system they operate), to streamline the agency, and let them focus on infrastructure (which they really suck at).

    The whining from the rank and file was epic. I rather enjoyed pointing out to my peers that (a) it was only a recommendation, (b) it would take a couple years just to be evaluated in the first place, and (c), as most of those missions are Congressionally mandated, it would take Congressional approval to transfer.

    Which means that ain't never gonna happen; USACE is worse than military installations when it comes to injecting federal dollars and services into congressional districts. Congress hates messing with that cash cow, especially pork barrelling is much harder these days.

    It was fun pouring cold water on their hot outrage, and pointing out their basic ignorance of how The System works. My retirement was on the horizon, so I didn't mind being the cranky out fart.
