Well, 243 years later, and here we all are! In spite of the blows struck at our great country, in ways both sudden and insidious, by foes foreign and domestic; in spite of the wildest political mischief by people who do not love our nation; in spite of civil war, foreign wars, economic disaster, terrorism and the growing pains associated with the shedding of ancient evils such as slavery and institutional bigotry; in spite of all these things, the Republic still stands.
The Declaration of Independence led to a war with the most powerful nation in the world - a war that ultimately ended in victory for our new country, sealed by such events as the British surrender at Yorktown (pictured above in the famous painting by John Trumbull). Thus began the great experiment that continues today - much hampered and attacked by the peddlers of un-American ideologies, who have made ominous progress over a period of many decades. Let us be happy warriors, defying all carriers of destruction and sedition, and loving our nation, even unto the end if that day ever should arrive (may it please God to foreclose such an eventuality).
"13 Patriotic Quotes from America’s Founding Fathers".
Update II

Up yours, Nike and Colin Kipperdick!
Happy Fourth of July to all the Pacoistas and true Americans everywhere!
ReplyDeleteHappy Independence Day!
ReplyDeleteMay all y'all 'ave a good one.
ReplyDeleteSo... I guess I awoke this morning in a fascist dictatorship, right? I mean, all the best and brightest assured me that Trump's 4th of July commemoration was the End of America. It happened either when the tanks rolled out, a la Tiananmen Square, or Trump said all the Fascist Code Words in his speech.
ReplyDeleteI can only presume that CNN, MSNBC, CBS and their ilk are off the air, right? The Nation, NYT, WaPo, The New Republic and all them are shut down and their writers and editors in camps, yes?
So not a bad result, I'd say. I suppose those Communists who burned a flag in front of the White House and called for "a world without America" are also the winners too. By the way, what do we call the country now? Trumpistan?
Hot damn, Steve! I'm now a colonel in the North Carolina MAGA Militia. I'm glad I held on to my Guatemalan field marshal uniform. If I do say so, I cut quite a figure down at the officers' square dance!