Wednesday, July 3, 2019

They're coming for your spork!

Our Last Straw, the prime mover behind Washington, D.C.'s decision to abolish plastic straws, isn't finished yet.
“According to Dan Simons, founder of Our Last Straw and Farmers Restaurant Group, next on their docket is all single-use plastic items, which include utensils, cups, bottles, and the like”.
In the future, you will be forced to carry around a small trunk packed with your dining things, made of actual china, crystal and silver - which will be provided to you free of charge, of course.

Washington's new city motto: "We may suck, but not plastic straws".


  1. Single use syringes, medical instruments. Expect more disease outbreaks then.

  2. And yet, the overwhelming majority of plastics in our oceans are coming from Southeast Asia and Africa.

  3. Let's not forget the increased water use to clean all those reusable utensils. Not to mention the bigger demands on the waste water treatment system.

    Idiocy knows no bounds.

  4. RebeccaH,

    A truly dedicated environmentalist whacko will tell you nearly every tiny bit came from the USA. The more clever might claim it's because "America outsourced its pollution to Asia".
