Thursday, September 12, 2019

If for any reason you're skeptical that a grizzly bear can kill you with one swipe of its paw...

...don't be.


JeffS said...

Having seen grizzlies in the wild -- from a safe distance -- I've never doubted their position at the top of the food chain.

Paco said...

Monstrous big beasts, aren't they?

RebeccaH said...


rinardman said...

I dunno, I think that woman just has small hands.

JeffS said...

Yes, they are big, Paco.

And I'm told that Kodiak bears (related to grizzlies) are even bigger. Them I don't need to see, thankyouverymuch.

Steve Skubinna said...

There are black bears around where I live. Generally they are not aggressive towards humans, if you keep your distance and avoid provoking them. Still, I don't go hiking in back country without a 1911.

Paco said...

Remember: forest fires prevent bears.

Steve Skubinna said...

Yes, but they also prevent houses built in the woods. I'll take the bears and keep the house.