Thursday, September 12, 2019


I don't pretend to know all the ins and outs of Brexit, let alone the intricate workings of British parliamentary democracy, but I will confess that I'm not sold on the long-term viability of Boris Johnson as PM. He strikes me as being a bit erratic in his judgement, as evinced by his recent pointless insults to Nigel Farage.

So, what do better informed readers than myself think? Has Boris got what it takes, or is he a flash in the pan?


JeffS said...

I think nearly all of the sane people left British politics years ago. Johnson appears to be borderline bat s**t crazy. Nigel Farage clearly loves England, as evidenced by his staying in Euro-centric politics for this long.

Her Majesty probably needs a snort or three just to read an executive summary of the daily Parliament proceedings. Some of the on line videos of Parliament sessions look like a Jerry Springer episode.

RebeccaH said...

I don't understand British politics at all.

bruce said...

Boris is probably their best hope, he is sticking to his promise despite attacks from all sides - now a Scottish court has declared his prorogation 'illegal'- wtf?

And he's better able to explain and defend his stance than anyone else, even if he lapses into firing wildly at times.

Overall I fear the Brits have way over-estimated their importance in the world, otherwise they would have just got it done and dealt with the changes instead of all this Byzantine drama. They are total opposite of lean and mean - bloated and timid.

bruce said...

The comments on 'order-order' are the best thing on that site, otherwise I can't follow most of it either, it's all about last night's BBC whatever.

bruce said...

If you consider that millions of Brits are addicted to state welfare, many Farage's supporters, then he doesn't seem such a serious contender.

Being in the EU does make British state welfare more secure. For all their bravado, how will Farage's followers deal with massive welfare changes needed in a leaner meaner economy? - Just my guess at what may be behind Boris's view of Farage.

That's why 'migrants' fight to get to the UK - the liberal welfare (compared to say Germany where everyone works), which the locals cannot wean themselves off. The 'single mother' lifestyle of whole areas for generations.

Ireland only became wealthy after they joined the EU from farm subsidies, which is why they have no plans to leave. Before that it was still almost feudal.

Jonah said...

So I found this at the Daily Mail: "...Farage would agree to an alliance with the Tories if his party was given a free run in 90 seats at the next election, now widely expected to be held in November or December."

So...maybe this internecine negotiation? Using Delingpole as a mouthpiece?

I hate to think Delingpole fell for some anonymous Tory Spokesman Deep State fake news.

*disclosure* I don't know squat either.