Friday, January 24, 2020

Can't have that

"Democrats Warn That American People May Tamper With Next Election".


Skeeter said...

"If President Trump is not impeached, the American people might get a say in who is president," Schiff said gravely. "We simply can't allow that to happen..."

The word 'projection', meaning the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person, was often used in Blairite days for the expression of crazy ideology.
Pity the word's use seems to have died out because there seems to be a lot of projection by the Democrats these days.
Then again, I could be being kind to Schiff. He may be fully conscious of what he is saying. In that case, I must leave it to others to determine his state of mind.

rinardman said...

In that case, I must leave it to others to determine his state of mind.

I decided a long time ago that he's a pathological liar. Lately, I'm starting to think I need to add 'evil' to that description. It's one thing to lie to make yourself look good, or even to cover your tracks, but he lies to destroy people. That's evil.

And I still think that if the Dimocrats get power again, they'll do whatever it takes to keep it. They won't be able to do it all at once, but you can bet they will start the process to change the way elections happen, to improve their chances of winning elections. In other words, stop all the deplorables from influencing their elections.

bruce said...

The difference between us and them is they think they can read our minds, while we just disagree with them based on what they say or do. (Sometimes we can see that they are crooks and fooling people too, based on our experience and common sense).

Like how they 'just know' Trump is bad without even a shred of evidence, like how Schiff 'knew' what Trump 'really meant' even though Trump didn't say anything like that.

And they 'know' we are 'full of hate' or 'deniers' even though we have reasonable arguments which are nothing like what they claim.

You can't win an argument with someone who thinks they can read your mind (and see things which aren't actually there).