Friday, January 24, 2020

Gratifying, and disappointing, at the same time

I think it's wonderful that President Trump is attending the March for Life, but I was surprised (and somewhat disappointed) to learn that he's the first president ever to speak at the event.

Really? Reagan, the two Bushes, none of them made a personal appearance? Maybe they spoke over a live feed from the White House or something, I don't know. But it is interesting to see how Trump is truly accumulating conservative bona fides, which is the one nagging thing that initially bothered me about when he was running for office (whether he would default to his Big City liberal origins). And based on some clips I've heard, his comments represented an impassioned call for a renewed respect for life and for a more robust defense of the freedom of religion.


rinardman said...

As Rush pointed out, a lot of Republican elites in D.C. don't want to admit they're pro-life, for fear of offending the Dimocrat elites in D.C. In other words, Bush 41 and 43 and their cronies. That's probably why they didn't want to be seen as open supporters of the March for Life events.

I don't think President Trump gives a rat's ass what the Dimocrat elites think.

bruce said...

The problem may have been very close to home, e.g. Nancy Reagan:
"I'm against abortion," she said ..."On the other hand, I believe in a woman's choice."

'Former first lady Nancy Reagan speaks out for abortion rights'