Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Good take by Tree Hugging Sister at Coalition of the Swilling on the Iowa disaster (H/T: friend and commenter JeffS).

Gateway Pundit has a several posts on the subject (here's one), and a terrific graphic:



  1. So, the election campaign season starts with a huge Democrat impeachment wet f#rt and people are surprised the Democrats are tanking?

  2. Not so much the tanking, Mike, but the complete Charlie Foxtrot that the donks have produced.

    You'd think that all the smart people in the DNC (and if you don't think they're smart, just ask them) would have anticipated undesirable results, and either worked to avoid them, or at least have a contingency plan in place, and maybe remain in charge.

    But, no, no they didn't. Instead, the DNC slammed all their doors, and let the children run wild. For example, without any published results, Amy Klobuchar effectively said she won in Iowa.

    Hardly, Amy! But she did get some great media coverage of her speech.

  3. And it ain't just the Iowa caucus that's going down like the Titanic, either.

    No, indeedy! When the wheels come off the clown car, they REALLY come off!
