Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Life is good

Low 60's, plenty of sunshine, and a vast mural of clouds against a Carolina-blue sky! This is the kind of winter I can go for.


  1. Very nice, indeed! That's not the weather here in SE Washington, but at least we don't have the 2 feet of snow we did this time last year.

  2. Beautiful days are meant for rides. The experience is accentuated by a stop at a favorite eatery. Or... enjoying the day by relaxing on the back porch; maybe playing fetch with Daisey. Either way... enjoy!

  3. Sorry to be a buzzkill, but Daisy's sleeping on her couch, Mrs. Paco is on her exercise bike upstairs and I just finished vacuuming the downstairs. We did go out earlier, however, and it is delightful weather.

  4. We had some of that over the weekend. Sunshine & 60 degrees. I opened the garage door and puttered around for awhile Sunday afternoon. Would have been out in the yard, but it's too wet & squishy. It wasn't enough to give me spring fever, but it got me thinking about it.

  5. It was 45 and very windy here (SoCal high desert). The temp got down to 20 degrees last night.

  6. Update on the weather ..... it snowed last night, a couple of inches, and is currently melting. And then there's the rain.

    Well, this is the Pacific Northwest, after all...

  7. The Pacific Northwest is on my bucket list of places to visit, but I'm going to have to get some reliable long-range weather reports, first.

  8. April to September is a good time to visit, if you stay out of the mountains. April & May can be wet, but not chaotic.

    If you want to visit the mountains ( and I encourage it), June through October is a great window, especially for the inland PNW (Idaho, Montana).

    June-July-August is a scorcher here in EWA, but you can nip back to the west side.

  9. Thanks, Jeff. I'll tuck that advice away somewhere safe so I consult it when we do go out there.
