Thursday, February 6, 2020

Congratulations on your acquittal, Mr. President!

Mr. President, I give you joy of your escape from that foul nest of vipers known as the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, and the Democratic minority (plus Mitt Romney) in the Senate. I think it would be a nice gesture if you took the articles of impeachment and tore them up in Nancy Pelosi's face.


  1. Giving joy to the acquittal seems to me to give weight to the whole bullshit in the first place.

    Know what I mean?

  2. Hooray you escaped! Escaped has nothing to do with it.

  3. Yes it's like they make us jump through hoops and we're supposed to be pleased we did it. Also it never seems to end, even when we think it has. Not that it's bad to celebrate each victory.

  4. J: Celebrating the fact that Trump beat a bum rap in no way implies that the process itself had any merit.

  5. Yes, this particular act of the non-stop circus from Washington, D.C. is FINALLY over. Trump is acquitted, and Schiff gets to cry on Pelosi's shoulder.

    There will be further acts, of course. The Beltway breeds 'em.

    Mayhaps Trump's impeachment will be expunged, should the commies lose their majority in the House. That would be a performance worth watching,

    1. Democrats have already pledged to continue pursuing impeachment Remember Nancy Pelosi's words, "It's not about proof; it's about the allegations." LBJ (Lyndon Banes Johnson) used the allegation tactic when he ran for the Senate. He told a staffer to issue a statement containing an allegation that was false. The staffer pointed in out, and LBJ responded that he knew, but let the bastards refute it.
