Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Kirk Douglas, RIP

Movie great Kirk Douglas is dead at the age of 103.

He co-starred in one of my favorite movies, Out of the Past (along with Bob Mitchum, of course). Here's an early scene.


  1. I think my first cinema experience was "The Vikings". Douglas has a lot of great films. RIP

  2. So many, many wonderful films: The Strange Loves of Martha Ivers, Out of the Past, Ace in the Hole, Paths of Glory, Spartacus, and the list goes on and on.

  3. Yes S L of Martha Ivers showed his versatility from the start of his career, one of my favourites of noir.

  4. Kirk Douglas chose some great films, he and Burt Lancaster were probably the best at that. I can't think of a bad film either one was in.

  5. Indeed -- Kirk Douglas was a very talented man. It's not my favorite film, but I always loved his performance in The War Wagon. Or Seven Days In May -- another classic!

    There are so few performers of his talents these days. And what few exist are hamstrung by politics and chicanery.

  6. Yeah, loved War Wagon - good western action, plus lots of humor. Another great Douglas western was Along the Great Divide; also, Man Without a Star (jeez, I could sit here for an hour just cataloging his westerns!)

  7. And what few exist are hamstrung by politics and chicanery.

    John Malkovich has political views significantly right-of-center, but doesn't seem to have trouble finding roles (probably because he's such a "chameleon" on screen). James Woods, on the other hand...
