Monday, February 3, 2020


“'What happened to Mini Mike?' Trump asked, referring to former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg. 'Where’s he? He’s not running. He’s skipping four or five states. Mini Mike — I’ve had him up to here.' With that, Trump raised his hand to mid-chest, and the crowd roared again."


Spiny Norman said...

The DNC and their media lickspittle may do everything in their power to get him the nomination, making him about as a serious threat to Trump, but the first debate between them will be an eye-opener. How the candidates look on camera makes a huge difference to the average voter, and Bloomie is not going to make a good impression at all. It may be shallow, but visuals make a very big difference.

bruce said...

Also, and I think Trump implies this, 'mini-me' in the sense of another NY billionaire, because the Donks are so flustered all they can do is try to mimic Trump's success, like when your enemy copies your every move when that's all they've got, copycat.