Saturday, February 22, 2020

I suppose it's merely of clinical interest at this point...

...but does Biden actually believe the whoppers he keeps telling in public? "Pathological Liar Biden Now Claims He Was Arrested In South Africa".

The view from Biden's campaign is getting increasingly ominous...


Jonah said...

My dad believed he worked at Area 51 and that the nurse was removing his memories along with the sutures from his skin cancer lesions, all for national security.

bruce said...

That's kind of sad Jonah. Then again maybe at some level it helped him cope with being confined and ill. I had a carcinoma back of my head right on a nerve which hurt bad until they cut it out (10 yrs ago). Would not wish that on anyone.

As for Biden, I think he has BS'ed his way through life and that's all he knows. I wouldn't trust him 'as far as I could throw him' as we've always said.

JeffS said...

Looks like Bernie is "Da Man!" for the march to the donk's convention.

Mini Mike had best up his budget for buying delegates, is all I can say.

Paco said...

Somehow, though, I see Sanders as being more of a Kerensky than a Lenin.

bruce said...

Yeah Kerensky died in the USA, had married an Australian too. But in the early days he was one of the loudest big-mouths of the revolution, right?

In Australia candidates are chosen by branches of the party, so the dirty way to get chosen is by what we call 'branch stacking':

Don't know if that's relevant to your system but Bernie's rise could also be explained by youthful fads, which is how Jeremy Corbyn became a popular candidate. The latest pop fad.

JeffS said...

Branch stacking, or some variation of it, is possible here in the Yew Ess of Eh, Bruce. Certainly there are shennigans in run ups to primaries at the precint and county level, but those tend to be more for local and state candidates. In spite of what you see in the Iowa and Nevada primaries, gaming a presidential candidate is more difficult, although it does happen (obviously!).

The donks get away with it because don't really care what their voters say((!!!), and there are no laws dictating how a party selects candidates for the general ballot, just so long as they have a process. The GOP has pulled the same tricks before, by the way.

What's important to understand about our election system is that there is no legal relationships between states when it comes to the presidential elections, save that of the Electoral College. This is an effective way of balancing population density against the popular vote, which is why the communists hate it, and want to dismantle it.