Tuesday, February 11, 2020


I think I'll buy a raccoon.

Update Thanks to a timely tip from friend and commenter JeffS, I decided to get something cooler than a raccoon.


  1. At least NC Wildlife don't steal picnic baskets like Yogi Bear.

  2. Cash only? That sounds a bit suspicious. Are you sure this isn't a illicit wildlife smuggling operation?

    And don't get a raccoon. They're nasty critters. Get a nice little bunny rabbit. They're tasty.

  3. Ya want raccoons? I got yer raccoons. They're friendly little critters who will nightly recustomize yer vehicle with their paw prints for that authentic look.

    FYI Do not leave a window down and a bag of kibble on the back seat. The kibble will disappear faster than guns in a canoe.

  4. I noticed A story about great white sharks congregating off Southport. The breezes must not be the only thing that is salubrious. BBQ is healthy, right?

  5. A Bond villain shark tank is a step towards Paconista world domination: Subversive Paco Enterprises Control Transfer Resurgence Entity (S.P.E.C.T.R.E).

  6. Stupid sharks, it's a month or more till spring break.
