Monday, March 16, 2020

CDC priorities screwed up?

Wow, who woulda thunk it? "Instead of Prepping for Pandemic, CDC Focused on Gun Control and Promoting Social Justice".

So, we're perhaps not as prepared for pandemics as we ought to be, plus I've been reading that sales of guns and ammunition - including first-time gun purchases - are going through the roof. Well played, CDC. This is what happens when virtually all of our major government institutions prove to have been captured by left-wing ideologues.

Bruce Bawer has some interesting reflections on the coronavirus and compares the responses (and non-responses) to the pandemic by various countries.


bruce said...

Italy needed cheap labour to keep their 'made in Italy' fashion industry going, but they have no young people. So they got them from China, but which Chinese will willingly work in sweatshops? Only the most backward from remote areas rife with ancient 'flu and all the endemic peasant problems the Ellis Island folks were once checking for. (Elsewhere urban Chinese are highly educated and modern - including most tourists - and do not need factory work).

Take 300k plus of these simple peasant folk into aging Italy and the potential for mass die off of old people emerges, but no one forsaw that, only short-term profit (very Mafia-style, including some people-smuggling and cosy deals).

We worried about borders, but most of these disease-carriers came legally into Italy over the past 10 years. Mark Steyn sensed demographic problems, and this confirms his fears, but this seems to have been under the radar.

bruce said...

PS, I see McCain has noticed this and links to a UK article which has more details, including *direct flights between Wuhan and northern Italy* even after the virus was spreading:

Veeshir said...

This is what happens when virtually all of our major government institutions prove to have been captured by left-wing ideologues.
Bingo bango bongo.
Makes me wonder if people are going to wake up.
They're noticing the media the most but stuff like that and the coup attempts are enlightening too

Spiny Norman said...

The Chinese government propaganda ministry is trying to claim the "US Army" "brought the corona virus to Wuhan" as some kind of biological warfare and Trump is covering it up.

Half of Twitter believes them.