Thursday, March 5, 2020

Local crime

Here in the Cape Fear area, the pace is pretty slow - even when it comes to car chases.

H/T: Mrs. Paco


JeffS said...

A Bobcat is "...a heavy piece of equipment..."? Compared to what? A Tonka Toy?

Now, I wouldn't to be run over by a Bobcat. No sir! And, yes, a Bobcat could mess up a car. I can understand law enforcement being cautious, especially with someone nutty enough to use a Bobcat as a getaway vehicle (none of the charges in the article were related to "under the influence").

But calling a Bobcat "...a heavy piece of equipment..."? Puh-leeeezzzzzeeee!

Paco said...

Well, you have to remember that, in this area, an example of basic equipment is a shovel or a pick. So, compared to those, that Bobcat's pretty heavy.

JeffS said...

That's certainly true!

I imaginge that it shows that I spent too much time around construction equipment.