Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Mark Steyn, filling in for Rush Limbaugh today, said that Bloomberg has spent (roughly) the equivalent of American Samoa's GDP on his campaign, and managed to place first in that territory's caucus and take the whacking big total of four of its delegates.


rinardman said...

Maybe the Samoans would break with the US, and make him their King if he promises to give them enough money to double their GDP every year.

That would be a small price to pay to become Mini-king Bloomberg.

Paco said...

I wonder how he'd look wearing a pineapple crown and a cape of parrot feathers?

rinardman said...

I'm sure the Samoans would want to erect a life size statue like the King Kamehameha statue in Hawaii. King Kamehameha is holding a spear that towers over his head.

Just think, for the Mini-king Bloomberg statue in Samoa, they could use a chopstick!

Paco said...
