Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Ok, Dems and other progs, you can breathe easy now

"Trump Assures Nation He Will Leave Office Peacefully At End Of His Eighth Term".
"Some people are worried I won't leave the White House. Not true! In 2048 I will be more than happy to let the next person have a turn," he told members of the press gathered on the White House lawn. "I'll be 102 years old and very energetic. Why would I want to spend any more time in this dump? I'll be ready to retire then."
Of course, the rest of us might have something to worry about...

"Mitt, can you hear me? This is your big chance!"


Veeshir said...

I figured out how he's gonna do it!
Nikki Haley/Don Jr 2024! and 2028!
Then, Don Jr/Ivanka 2032! and 2036!
Then Ivanka/Barron 2040! and 2044!
Now that would be funny.
And if they beat Chelsea Clinton and a couple Bushes along the way? Icing on the cake baby

Trump just needs to get Keith Richards' longevity formula.

Paco said...

Sounds like a plan!

RebeccaH said...

LOL, I like it.