Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Redlining on the satiremeter

The Trump campaign has put out a satirical "investigative" video about Joe Biden, which is hilarious. Even more hilarious is the fact that a lot of people, many with journalism "duh-grees", don't get the joke.


Veeshir said...

OT, but did you see the Clarence Thomas "In his own words" movie?

It was very good. It goes from young child to on the Supreme Court. He discusses the real racism he faces as an uppity negro.
He gets pretty upset about the confurmation hearins and the racist attacks from the left.
He gets James Lileks/Glenn Reynolds intemperate but you can see he really wants to break out some cussin'.
Jow Biden figures prominently in the clips from the high tech lynching.
I think I know how he'll vote in November.

Paco said...

I haven't seen it, yet, but it sounds excellent. Thanks for the recommendation.

bruce said...

A friend was a 'cadet journalist' 50 years ago (for Murdoch's News Ltd), back when they learned the professsion on the job like an apprenticeship and you were only as good as your last article.

Journalism degrees are a joke.

RebeccaH said...

It's a given that lefties have no sense of humor, and worse than that, they are utterly incapable of even recognizing it.

Spiny Norman said...


OT, but did you see the Clarence Thomas "In his own words" movie?

I haven't yet, but like No Safe Spaces, I definitely want to.

As one might expect, his unsuccessful "high-tech lynch mob" is none too pleased about PBS airing it. The Dims are also "up in arms" about the filmmaker Michael Peck being nominated to head the Voice of America, and demanding he be criminally investigated.

They don't have a legitimate "charge" yet, but that's why they need an investigation.

Veeshir said...

I thought I'd watch a few minutes and change the channel.
It was mostly just him talking except for some stuff, like the attempted lynching.