Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Thanks for nothing

Really getting tired of the conservative cosplay, Lindsey.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: never trust a male politician who looks like Eleanor Roosevelt.

Hey, I resemble that remark!


Veeshir said...

Trump is fighting them all all alone.
As I think someone at Ace's said, he's finally got a crew that's not sabotaging him from within.
If they manage to steal this election the country's screwed. If they can't steal it, they're screwed.

I still can't believe effin Trump is our knight in shining armor.

Jonah said...

I know. One guy. For 6 more months.

Paco said...

There is a kind of Horatius at the bridge vibe to the whole thing.

Spiny Norman said...

Let's hope he doesn't become Byrhtnoth, the 10th century Anglo-Saxon prince who let the Vikings cross the bridge (causeway) so they could have a "fair fight" at the Battle of Maldon. Of course, the Vikings crossed with overwhelming force and wiped out the Saxons.

(Yeah, I've read far too much Tolkien than is healthy, but at least I'm not an obsessive Harry Potter fanboi, like so many of the Millennial Left.)