Friday, May 22, 2020

You know who can look beyond the meaningless veil of mere pigmentation to discern a person's true race?

Joe Biden, that's who.
Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) declared Friday morning that if black Americans are unsure whether to support him over President Donald Trump in the November election, “then you ain’t black.”
Corn Pop just emailed to say "True dat."


"I'm going to beat Joe Biden" says...Joe Biden.

You know, he just might.

Update II

I guess this must be true, too: "If You Don't Let Me Sniff Your Hair, You Ain't A Woman".

Update III

Biden is getting positively hammered by black people who, justifiably, find his comment condescending and reeking of racism. Here, for example, are some choice words from BET founder Robert L. Johnson.


Spiny Norman said...

I can't WAIT to hear Larry Elder's take on Gropin' Joe's latest racist idiocy. This is gonna be good - he'll be roaring, I'm quite sure.

JeffS said...

No malarkey there, no sir!

Paco said...

Seriously, if this corrupt moron is elected, I think it's time to start talking about secession.

RebeccaH said...

I think Biden's search for a VP candidate is actually a DNC search for a replacement candidate in time for the DNC convention. There's no way Joe Biden can be the candidate in the 2020 election. Even the Democrats have to know that.

bruce said...

"then you ain't black", something about Brer Rabbit and a tarbaby, well zip a dee doo dah. Biden sure delivers a lot of giggle-worthy spiel.

Gregopryno6 said...

I was down at the corner store on Thusday and anti-Trump sentiments were being expressed freely.
I said, 'Yeah, and after four years the best the Democrats can come up with is Joe Biden.'
Anti-Trump sentiments terminated.

Paco said...

Haw! Like a shot of Raid at a cloud of mosquitoes.