Friday, June 5, 2020

And, in North Carolina...


ck said...

I even saw Alice once, I've always liked the guy, he gave us a lot of fun and good humor.

Paco said...

The only rocker who publicly supported Richard Nixon (don't know whether that was a joke or not, but I got a kick out of it).

bruce said...

Aah the 70s. A court case here recently - an older actor had found a niche career with a travelling Rocky Horror Show performance. Young female actors charged him with 'sexual harrassment' onstage. In the Rocky Horror Show, he got too enthusiastic portraying Frank-n-Furter, touched their boobs and 'made them uncomfortable'.

The snowflake generation now finds the 70s 'problematic', like everything else. Who says they aren't conservatives (of the worst type?)? It's Orwell's Junior Anti-sex league for real.

bruce said...

PS, I recall 80% of the fans of the 1970s live Rocky Horror Show were women and grandmas now still wax nostalgic about it. The male fans were mostly gay. (I was mildly entertained by the spectacle and liked a couple of the tunes a little.)

I was dragged along to the show 45 years ago by the office girls, who loved every minute. If you know what it's about ('sexual awakening of a frigid couple' in 1970s terms) you'l see how women being such fans is curious - but that was how things were.

Now it's young females who want to scold us about it, although they're happy to be paid to act in it as long as they can run to the police whenever their feelings tell them to. Such a silly world of flip flop people.

Deborah said...

...flip flop people." I like it.

RebeccaH said...

I never saw the appeal of the Rocky. Horror Show, and the image of Tim Curry in fishnet tights is an image I've never been able to unsee.

bruce said...

Rebecca, all my Facebook friends are grandmas now, and I guarantee if I post anything about RHS they will erupt in oohs and aahs, 'My favourite show!' 'Loved it' just like they did when they were young. And they are the ones who would have been buying tickets to the recent touring live show where the young women complained.

The fans of the original live show here were certainly not straight men!! :-)

It was perhaps the most popular live musical show of the 1970s in Australia and went for weeks and weeks, years maybe. Not talking about the movie.