Friday, June 5, 2020

It's the bloody arrogance of the thing

Peter Strzok's sidepiece and fellow anti-Trump plotter has been hired by NBC and MSNBC as a - get this - "National Security and Legal Analyst".

Ach du grĂ¼ne Neune! When it comes to propaganda, these people are making me feel like the merest unschooled bumpkin!


bruce said...

They missed the chance to hire Charles Manson as an adviser on race relations.

Spiny Norman said...

Speaking of race relations, 4chan /pol/ has unleashed another Twitter prank, and even celebrities are falling for it: #goBaldforBLM

4chan's long-time object of lust, Emma Watson, has done it.

Spiny Norman said...

Lily-white celebrity women making themselves look like skinheads has to be the facepalm of the year (so far).

Veeshir said...

Spiny, I really hope 4chan did that. I really do.

You think hiring Page is bad, wait until she interviews Strzok on how bad the Orangeman really is.
Count on it.

Our fine betters are going all out to make sure 2016 doesn't happen ever again. They do not like to be challenged.

JeffS said...

Looks like 4Chan did do it!

Paco said...

That is a sensational prank, if true.

RebeccaH said...

If only Lisa Page could be persuaded to shave her head, like the collaborator she is.

Spiny Norman said...

Which brings the thread back to the original topic.

Nicely done, Rebecca.

Veeshir said...

I was looking for a post I did on how Dem front groups have always been "mostly peaceful" when I came upon a quote by you Paco
For the purpose of seducing the (rare) pulchritudinous ones? I am reminded of Lord Chesterfield’s observation in one of his famous letters to his son, on the subject of sex: “The pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous, and the expense damnable.” Why add “and the filing of assault charges inevitable”?

And then came upon a comment at Knowledge is Power that fit, so I did what any self-respecting blogger would do, I stole it.

Figured you'd get a kick out of that.

Paco said...

I did indeed! Haw!!