Wednesday, June 24, 2020

I still regret not buying a home on Booger Hollar Road in Stanly County

Turns out, the area has its own legend.

Although I figure the little hairy men are probably just Honeycutts. They run a little on the short side.


JeffS said...

Just having "Booger Hollar Road" in a mail address would be awesome!

Paco said...

That was the main appeal to me. Plus it was 40 acres, which, even a couple of years ago, I saw as a potential future home for unwanted statues.

bruce said...

Love how they spell it 'hollar' so you get the pronunciation right.

Booger is probably some old Scottish word I'll bet. So of course I googled, and it mean a house rafter, so booger hollow is a description of the trees arching over the creek:

Paco said...

Bruce: Fascinating detective work. Although I think it still has something to do with those runny-nosed Honeycutts.

bruce said...

Oh this is where google shines, there's another one in Arkansas with a 'double decker outhouse':
anyway, 'The word “Booger” is derived from the old Welsh word “Bwg,” which meant “to scare.”' So take your pick.

But yeah, every town had a runny nosed family on the outskirts.

Mike_W said...

Wow, what an address that would be.
Once there was a guy named Booger(a piece of dried nasal mucus, or a boogyman) who lived there and he hollared whenever he wanted toilet paper in the outhouse.

Veeshir said...

I figured Dr. Johnny Fever named it bruce.
You learn something new every day.