Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Plan

I'm thinking of putting together a mob to go around the country violently erecting statues. Who's with me?

I figured we'd start with statues of Selim the Drunkard and Sviatopolk the Accursed. That ought to make the anarchists scratch their heads a bit.

Who else should we honor?


JeffS said...

How about one for Merl the Uncouth?

Veeshir said...

Vlad the Impaler.
With a stake for impaling people.

Decorative and useful.

Paco said...

Jeff: Hmmm. Merl the Uncouth. Is he the guy who usurped the throne of Zog the Flatulent?

V: Practical statuary. I like it.

rinardman said...

The left has no sense of humor, so I propose Alfred E. Neuman, and Marx.

Groucho, not the other one.

JeffS said...

Is he the guy who usurped the throne of Zog the Flatulent?

No, he cut in front of Veryl the Debaucher in the admissions line at a movie theater. I think it was Beryl the Bombastic who usuruped Zog the Flatulent.

All four of them deserve statues, I think.

Gulliblepratt said...

Curley Larry and Moe
With the motto
"Every time you think you weaken the Nation"

Paco said...

Curly, Larry and Moe. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Gulliblepratt said...

If they try to pull down that statue.
We the follicly challenged, will rise up in all our bouffant glory.
And strike down with great vengeance, those that wish to desecrate our heritage.
For it is written, we all knew a kid at school, who had a buzzcut and bowl cut or a frizz.
We will grab them by the rat tails and kick them in the merkin.

Mike_W said...

Nothing would make the anarchists scratch their heads, except maybe statues of black people.
If it's a statue of a white guy it's doomed.

RebeccaH said...

I vote for the character Zed in the movie Zardoz: Sean Connery in full poncey costume and high heels.

Either that or Ronald McDonald. There still ought to be plenty of those lying around.